Bring The Reset to your organisation

We help the mums and dads in your team develop the skills and processes they need to thrive at work. 
Giving them greater clarity, focus and energy as they combine parenting and work.
Book a call

"I feel more focused at home and more energised at work.  And I have tools I can come back to time and time again"

Zoe - P&T LIVE Alumni

Mums and dads join us to:

The parents in your teams will get:

  • A proven, evidence based course.
  • Step-by-step support with a community by their side and the opportunity to learn from other industries.
  • Bitesize audios, practical take-aways, and recordings on our digital platform.
  • Conversations about the things that no-one talk about.  Guilt, shame, bias - we talk about them and use tools and techniques to tackle them.
  • Participation in our ongoing research.
  • The chance to pay it forward to the communities that matter to them.

You will get:

  • People with tools and techniques that can be applied in your teams from day 1.
  • Managers invited to the Manager Masterclass to get the lowdown on what we've covered in the course and the tools they can use with their team. 
  • People who feel more confident working with their manager to find solutions that balance their needs with the needs of the team.
  • Tracking of your social impact.
Let's talk

What mums and dads say about the course


"This course meets you where you are. I absolutely will be referencing back to the lessons I've learned continuously through my life."


"I found the true stories from the team invaluable; particularly when Clio shared. This really hit home for me."


"I thought the course would be more superficial, but I found it to be deep and transformative. I like that it's grounded in research."


"I thought I was coming to the standard professional development course but it is so much more than that and you have completely changed the way I think."