We help you make your job family-friendly.

Guides, tools and quizzes you can use today.

We all have people we care about.

Whatever your reasons for wanting or needing family-friendly work, there are things you can do and things you can change in your job today.
We're with you every step of the way.
Why not start with a quiz?
3 things we promise you about our quizzes:
  • It will never take more than 2 minutes
  • You will learn something new
  • You can book a 1:1 call for more support

Parental guilt.

Every working parent experiences guilt.
Understand the evolving landscape of parenthood in the workplace and its impact on both parents and employers. 

Flexible work requests.

Smooth the path to flexible working, whether you're making the request or responding to it.
Whatever the outcome, the way in which the request is handled sets the tone for your ongoing working relationship.
Download the Preparing for Complex Conversations Tool

Periods of change.

Change can come at any time. 
You might feel in control of it.  It may have taken you by surprise.
This is a time when coming together can really help. 
Get the Building My Team Tool

Returning to work.

Make the process of returning to work easier for everyone.
Address biases proactively, listen with empathy and learn the importance of regular check-ins.
Get the Transitioning Responsibilities Tool