Upskilling Managers

advice flexible work leadership Oct 17, 2023

The modern workplace is undergoing a significant transformation, and with it comes the need for an entirely new skill set. It's no longer just about replicating the traditional office environment online. We're in a different landscape now, one that demands fresh skills and perspectives.

One of these critical skills is the ability of managers to place trust in each employee, even when faced with uncertainty. This transformation in the workforce can understandably feel daunting to managers. However, it's not their fault - they need our support and guidance to build a new skillset aligned with the future of work.  
Our research shows that 81% of managers agree that managing flexible work calls for these new skills. Surprisingly, only 44% of them have actually had any training to develop these crucial abilities. It's evident that there's a compelling need to provide managers with upskilling opportunities.  
So, what are these skills? They revolve around trust and empathy. Effective managers need to learn how to be adept at role modelling these qualities, as they serve as the foundation for building strong relationships within their teams.  
By providing managers with upskilling opportunities and training in areas like building empathy, cultivating trust, and leading with flexibility, we can set them up for success.  

Managers could then set the example and create a workplace where relationships matter as much as tasks. It's not just about keeping track of to-do lists; it's about creating a space where everyone feels heard and valued. 
When employees feel trusted, their productivity tends to soar, and they're more likely to stick around. By prioritising this aspect, managers can guide their teams into the future of work, rather than pushing them away. 

But they can't do it alone - now is the time for organisations to invest in supporting their managers. 

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