The 9-5 Working Day

flexible work in the news Nov 03, 2023

Last week, a TikTok video went viral after recent graduate Brielle Asero filmed herself complaining that current working standards are leaving workers with an unhealthy work-life balance. 

We spoke to people management about what this video teaches us about Gen Z workers, about their demands from the workplace, and their use of social media to discuss workplace issues...

We know that use of social media varies hugely between generations. In this video the woman doesn’t name her employer, makes it clear that she is struggling with the commute, not the job. 

What is interesting is her perception of the commute as part of her working day ‘if I get paid at 5 I should get off at 5’ and drawing comparisons with those in remote jobs who are able to do this.

In some industries we are seeing salaries for in person jobs needing to be 25% higher than those for remote jobs. And we can expect the ‘commuter premium’ to become more widespread. 

Is there a disconnect between Gen Z workers entering the office who have only ever known the ways of flexible working, and older workers who knew office life before Covid? 

We know that the values and expectations of GenZ are changing dynamics in the workplace. They may prioritise values over salary and they may reject traditional promotion based career development routes.  This can lead to friction within teams because quite simply, they are rejecting the traditional paradigms on which concepts of work and success have been based. 

But this doesn’t have to mean there’s a disconnect. Trust and empathy in the workplace can build bridges to understanding, shared purpose and success. 

They may also bring great strengths to the team with knowledge of technology and communication methods that may be of benefit in the office. 

Both parties will need to play their part. If GenZ are rejecting presenteeism, they will need to find other ways to demonstrate their value in a business. And if employers want to retain new entry talent, they will need to find different ways to compensate and incentivise them. 

She says, “the 9-5 working week is crazy!” – Is the standard and strict 9-5 Mon-Fri working week increasingly a thing of the past?

I don’t know that it’s a thing of the past but we are seeing a much broader range of ways of working be available and demanded by workers. 

Many workers want more flexibility but we know it’s a paradox and doesn’t guarantee an improved worklife.  So individuals and businesses need to invest in the skills they need to make it a success. 

Read the full article here.

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