Supporting Parents Who WFH Whilst Caring

advice childcare flexible work leadership Oct 18, 2023

Researchers polled home (and hybrid) working parents, and discovered as many as 87% now regularly look after their children while working their day job (Capital One UK).

The high percentage of working parents trying to simultaneously care for children while working is alarming. It highlights the intense pressure and stress many families are facing as they try to balance work and childcare responsibilities in a system that is not designed to support them. 

For parents, the push and pull between obligations at home and at the office leads to burning the candle at both ends. Even with an understanding employer, the guilt and anxiety of feeling like they're failing in one arena or another can be immense. 

Managers are also in a difficult position, needing predictability and productivity from their teams. However, the data makes it clear -- the current working structures are not enabling employees with families to thrive. 

So what's the solution? It starts with empathy. Organisations must recognise the barriers working parents face, from unaffordable childcare to school closures and sick kids. They must understand the root causes of why balancing work and family is so hard under current policies. 

Companies can then get creative about how to better support working parents. Whether it's increased flexibility, revised schedules, more remote work options or childcare stipends, there are ways to meet the needs of both employers and caregivers. 

When employees have the flexibility to work their hours around their childcare needs, it can make a big difference in their ability to balance work and family life. This can lead to improved productivity, reduced stress, and increased job satisfaction. 

However, flexibility is not just about giving employees the freedom to work whenever they want. It is also about creating a culture of trust and respect. Managers need to understand that flexibility is not a sign of laziness or lack of commitment. In fact, it can be a powerful tool for empowering employees and helping them to be more productive. 

The goal should be an equitable system where parenthood is not viewed as a liability, but simply a part of life that companies accommodate. There are always solutions if we begin from a place of empathy first. By continuing to ignore the data, we perpetuate a status quo that helps no one thrive. The time for supporting working parents is now. 

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