Return to Work Report for Parents

research return to work Sep 04, 2022

Welcoming a new child is a huge change in your life.

Everyone comes to parenthood in different ways and with different expectations. It can be a demanding time. Happy, wonderful, filled with love… yet demanding.

This report considers what the research says about returning to work as a parent and how we can implement what we know into positive action.

We’ve broken it into sections for ‘parents’, ‘mums’ and ‘dads’. Read all of them if you can. Because as we all know, life doesn’t fit into gender boxes, and understanding the same topic from different perspectives is always valuable. A note on inclusivity: It’s important to acknowledge the lens through which you view the world, so we asked a D&I expert to look at this report – with particular focus on inclusive language and representation of diversity. Their feedback was that, based on the research, topics and advice given, it was written for white, heternormative, middle-class families that prescribe to gender norms. We feel it’s important to acknowledge this.

From Another exists to provide support to all families in the workplace. As we grow we are embedding inclusive practice throughout the work that we do. There is much to be done and we will do thoughtfully and with care, one conversation at a time. We hope you all feel welcome as we do this. 

Open the full report here.

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