Reducing Online Meetings and Anxiety

flexible work in the news wellbeing Oct 18, 2023

We spoke to People Management about the rise in online work meetings and what can be done to reduce meeting anxiety. 

Why are there so many meetings? 

A big reason is that managers feel they need to "see" people regularly to check on their progress and productivity. Without in-person visibility, there is less trust that employees are staying on track. More frequent meetings simply provide oversight for managers seeking predictability and certainty that the work is getting done.  

With remote and hybrid work, there is a temptation to recreate the in-office environment online by scheduling excessive meetings. However, the future of work is evolving and we have an opportunity to do things differently. Rather than relying on constant oversight, organisations need to support managers to learn to build trust by fostering open communication and developing strong relationships within their teams. It’s about building out the relational space as much as task management. 

What can be done to limit video meetings? 
Organisations can support managers in this transition by providing training focused on building trust, empathy, and communication within teams. This involves becoming comfortable with uncertainty and unpredictability, which can be difficult for managers who rely on presenteeism.  

However, when employees feel valued and trusted, they are more likely to proactively reach out to managers when needed. With strong relationships cultivated, managers can be more selective in scheduling meetings, using email, chat or phone calls for quick check-ins. Video meetings are still great for collaboration and connection, but managers could be intentional about when they are truly necessary. Give employees autonomy in structuring their days and focus meetings around purposeful coordination.  

By developing managers' skills in trust, empathy and communication, while also leveraging technology deliberately, organisations can move away from an over-reliance on presenteeism and towards a results-focused culture built on relationships. 

What can employers do about online meeting anxiety? 

Before trying to address online meeting anxiety, organisations should explore why employees feel this way. Is it rooted in the workplace culture? Problems with task management? Feeling constantly watched? Getting to the source is key. Often, anxiety stems from a lack of trust and autonomy. 

Employers can help by fostering a culture built on psychological safety and empowerment. Providing management training on leading distributed teams enables effectiveness without constant oversight. Managers could then role model empathy, allow flexibility, and promote open communication. 

Practices like limiting video meetings, offering camera-off time, and asynchronous work can relieve anxiety when employees feel comfortable and trusted. The goal is to shift away from monitoring and presenteeism, and towards motivation driven by trust and strong relationships. 

When employees feel intrinsically valued - not extrinsically watched - their performance and wellbeing improve. Examining and resolving the underlying causes of anxiety paves the way for a healthier virtual environment. 

Overall, the key is to balance the manager's need for involvement with employee needs for space and trust. Building strong relationships and communication can help ease reliance on presenteeism. 

Read the article here.

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