Managing Flexible Work Under the New Rules

flexible work in the news leadership Aug 15, 2023

We spoke to Personnel Today about the new flexible work rules. Specifically making sure both employers and employees can manage the transition to new arrangements, ensuring it continues to be a success.

"You've highlighted a pivotal aspect of flexible work that our research has shown to be paramount – the cultivation of empathy and trust within workplace relationships. While policies certainly play their part, creating a culture of understanding and trust among teams is equally, if not more, important. In fact, relationships enriched with empathy and trust form the bedrock of successful flexible work arrangements. So, we have found that when it comes to flexible work, it's not just about changing hours and locations; it's about fundamentally reshaping how we collaborate and support one another. At the core of this transformation lies the need to build trust in new ways among team members and between employers and employees. 

Trust isn't something that's set in stone; rather, it's an ongoing effort that necessitates both sides working in tandem. Employers, in particular, play a crucial role in this journey, as they undertake the responsibility of making informed decisions in real-time. These decisions must balance the employees' desire for autonomy, the managers' need for predictability, and the organisation's aspirations for growth.

Here's how they can achieve this: 

Understanding Individual Needs:

Employers and managers must invest time in understanding the unique needs and circumstances of each team member. Flexible work arrangements are deeply personal, and crafting solutions tailored to individual requirements fosters trust and a sense of care. 

Understanding Organisational Needs:

While being empathetic to employees' needs, also emphasise the importance of aligning flexible work arrangements with the organisation's goals and requirements. Explore how these arrangements can contribute to productivity, employee satisfaction, and overall success for both parties. 

Transparent Communication:

Approaching the conversation with genuine interest in understanding the employee's perspective demonstrates empathy. Active listening and thoughtful responses convey that their well-being is valued. Employees should be aware of the organisation's goals, and any challenges, so that they are working in harmony with the needs of the organisation. Establishing trust is vital in ensuring flexible arrangements are a success.  

Real-Time Adaptation:

As flexible work situations evolve; employers should be ready to adapt decisions based on emerging situations or feedback from team members. This showcases responsiveness and a willingness to adjust as needed. 

Informed Decision-Making:

Utilising data and insights to understand the impact of flexible work arrangements can enable managers to make informed decisions that benefit both the team and the organisation. 

Balancing Autonomy with Support:

Providing a balance between autonomy and support is crucial. Trusting employees to manage their work, while offering guidance and resources, when necessary, underscores a supportive environment. 

Investing in Training:

Equipping managers with the skills needed to effectively manage flexible teams is essential. This includes training in communication, conflict resolution, and adapting to remote work dynamics. 

Trust Building:

Build and maintain trust between employers and employees. Trust is essential for remote or flexible work arrangements to succeed. Employees should demonstrate accountability, transparency, and consistent performance Employers may need to offer more autonomy and potentially change the way that performance in the workplace is measured. 

Frequent Check-ins:

Regular check-ins with team members provide opportunities to gauge progress, address concerns, and offer support. These conversations foster rapport and ensure everyone is aligned. 

In summary, employers play a pivotal role in making informed decisions that support both individuals within the team and the collective success of the organisation. In order to ensure productive discussions in the face of quicker decisions and transitioning to new arrangements, building trust is paramount. Encouraging regular and transparent communication, characterised by attentive listening and understanding, is essential. Employers should take the lead in demonstrating a genuine interest in employees' needs and concerns. This proactive approach not only ensures the success of flexible work arrangements but also establishes the groundwork for a thriving, adaptable, and resilient workforce. By approaching the transition to new flexible work arrangements with clear communication, mutual respect, and a commitment to collaboration, both employers and employees can contribute to the ongoing success of the arrangements. Regular communication, adaptability, and a focus on shared goals will be key factors in ensuring a positive and productive work experience for everyone involved."

 Read the article here.

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