Jobseeker vs. Employer Expectations

flexible work in the news leadership Oct 24, 2023

It's understandable why job seekers and employers may feel at odds right now. Each side has valid needs, but the rapid shift to remote work has led to differing expectations.  

Employees expect more autonomy now that working remotely has become normalised. However, not all employers have fully grasped the new skills needed to oversee hybrid or remote teams effectively. This can lead them to try enforcing old policies around set hours and office presence. 

Our research has shown that remote work requires a different skillset that managers need support to develop. It's not as simple as recreating the same workplace structures online. Rather, it requires learning to build productive work relationships that function well whether employees are working remotely, in the office, or on hybrid schedules. 
By focusing on outcomes, reframing the narrative away from presenteeism, and building trust, job seekers and employers can realign expectations.  

It’s a learning curve for everyone. But the companies that will attract top talent moving forward are likely to be ones that don't force pre-pandemic ways of working, but rather offer flexibility as a standard while finding creative solutions to balance organisational and employee needs.  

Read the article here.

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