Implementing Flexible Work Successfully

advice flexible work Aug 01, 2023

From our research we know that successfully implementing flexible work practices goes beyond adjusting when, where, and how you work. It's all about incorporating trust and empathy into the very fabric of organisational outcomes.  

First and foremost, put yourself in your employer's shoes. Understand their perspective and concerns. Plan ahead and think about the kind of flexibility you need and how it can benefit the company. When discussing your request, show an understanding of your manager’s needs as well as your own, and explain how the arrangement won't compromise your productivity or the team's goals. Frame it as a win-win. 

It's essential to build trust with your employer during this process. Be transparent about your reasons for seeking flexibility and how it can positively impact your work-life balance. By demonstrating honesty and reliability, you lay the foundation for trust. 

If your employer seems hesitant, suggest a trial period. This way, you can both assess the arrangement's effectiveness before making a long-term commitment. This approach shows that you value their concerns and are willing to work together to find the best solution. 

Before you make the leap into flexibility, consider the potential downsides, such as feelings of isolation or difficulty in balancing work and personal life. When discussing these concerns, be open to finding compromises that address both your needs and the company's requirements. Set a plan to evaluate progress and how you will address a problem should one arise. 

Empathy extends beyond your employer's perspective. Consider the needs of your colleagues and team members. Maintain open lines of communication to ensure they feel supported and connected, even if you're working remotely. Share your plans for creating boundaries between work and home life to avoid potential misunderstandings. 

When it comes to family needs, have a plan in place for childcare during your working hours, and communicate your commitments openly. 

Trust is a two-way street, and it's essential to trust your employer as well. If they are supportive of your request, trust that they have your best interests at heart. If any issues arise, address them openly and respectfully. Establish a plan for rebuilding trust in case it's ever broken. 

Look for role models within your organisation who have successfully embraced flexible arrangements. Seek their guidance and use their experiences as evidence that it can be beneficial for both employees and the business. 

Lastly, consider income and tax considerations with transparency. Discuss any changes in salary or benefits openly and consult with a tax professional to understand how a flexible work arrangement may impact your taxes should you work outside of the country. 

In the end, empathy and trust are the pillars that support successful flexible working arrangements. By showing understanding and being reliable, you can foster a positive and supportive work environment that works with the different forms of flexibility that people need, not against them. 

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