How HR Leaders Can Respond to Tension

flexible work in the news leadership Aug 24, 2023

We spoke to UNLEASH about recent findings in our 12-week listening program for 350 employees, managers and leaders and what it means for HR leaders.

"When it comes to flexible work, one of the most surprising findings has been the realisation that it's not solely about adjusting time and location but rather about nurturing a foundation of trust and empathy between employees and their leaders. When an employee requests flexible work arrangements, they're essentially asking for their employer's trust in their ability to manage their tasks and responsibilities effectively, regardless of their physical presence. This finding emphasises the relationship aspect of the employer-employee dynamic. Flexible work arrangements are a litmus test of trust, reflecting not only the confidence an organisation has in its employees but also the strength of their mutual relationship. This finding is driving us to reshape the conversation about flexible work, shifting the focus from task-based management to a more nuanced focus on building better interpersonal dynamics in the workplace. 

But what does this mean for HR leaders? It's nothing short of a seismic shift in perspective. So far, conversations around flexible work have been so focused on policies and logistics that we've missed the heart of the matter— relationships of trust and empathy. Flexible work is like a mirror reflecting our belief in our teams. It's not about ticking the "yes" box on remote work policies. It's about creating an environment where open communication, clear expectations, and positive role modelling cultivate a culture of trust. A large part of addressing this is to equip managers with a new set of skills that go beyond traditional oversight. We're talking about real empathy, and it's all about recognising that various employees have different roles to play at different moments. One employee might be a working parent yearning for autonomy, another could be a manager in search of stability and predictability. These roles can coexist within the same person, even simultaneously. 

Navigating this complexity demands a departure from conventional working norms. It requires dismantling the current ways of working that constrain us, unlocking the full potential of flexible work arrangements, and cultivating a workplace where empathy and understanding pave the way for a more enjoyable and productive future."

Read the article here.

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