Does Hybrid Working Damage Women’s Careers?

advice flexible work Oct 10, 2023

Is hybrid working harming women’s careers? Well, it depends….  

If we view hybrid work as simply dividing visible and invisible workers, it reinforces old ideals like the single breadwinner and unequal home division of labour. This could damage the careers of those not physically present.

But the pandemic enabled organisations and individuals to radically rethink their values, focusing on outcomes over output and value over presenteeism. If used to create new constructs valuing flexibility, hybrid work could benefit those needing different rules to thrive. 

This isn't perfect or easy, but some now have more work-life choice than ever, though many still lack this choice. Those with options face forging new territory or retreating to systems benefiting just a few. 

You can find your place either way. Some thrive in environments like Elon Musk's organisations, while fully remote setups don't work for everyone. 

I worry about hollow flexibility promises, with remote work allowed but penalised. Debbie’s comments call for those ill-served by old ways to determine their needs and find employers aligned with them. 

Let’s not revert to systems benefiting only a few. Now is the time to work out what you want, what you need and where you can find it. 

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